PPC Management

You are looking for ways to improve sales for a new or old business?
PPC is the best solution!

Advertising through pay per click or PPC is one of the best ways to expand your reach, find new customers, and grow your business.

If you’re serious about adopting PPC as an advertising method, you’ll want to work with a PPC management company like us.

Read some amazing case studies.

At M&V, we have a team of PPC experts that has extensive experience with search ads, display ads, programmatic efforts, etc. Our mission is to help advertisers like you to reap the benefits of your PPC campaign.
PPC Management for
Nuorganic Cosmetics
PPC Management for
Black Sheep Burgers
PPC Management for
Greens & Proteins
PPC Management for

Our criteria for an exceptional branding

Tight-knit team
Our marketing experts work side by side. This has a major impact on building successful campaigns.
We watch the clock
Collaboration should benefit both sides and you can trust that we stick to deadlines.
Problem solving
Sometimes a specialized challenge comes up. Should you look for more experts? No. Our team will find an elegant solution that works for you.
Contemporary approach
The tools and technologies used to create a solid campaigns really count. We always stay on the cutting edge with the latest trends.

Why Choose M&V as Your PPC Management Company?

✓ Extensive Keyword Research
One of the ways that M&V will develop your PPC strategy is by doing advanced keyword research and selection.
We’ll make sure that we’re targeting the right audience that will improve your conversion rates.
✓ Strategies That Work for You

Every business is different with its own different needs. In PPC, there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all strategy. We’ll analyze your current campaign and listen to your concerns so we can devise a PPC strategy that works for you.

✓ Landing Page Optimization
If you feel like your landing page needs a much-needed update, Cardinal will also be able to accommodate your needs. We do A/B testing for landing pages which is essential if you want conversions.

Or you can create a new landing page with us.


We use the best technologies and platforms to ensure an easy, fast and secure development of your next project.

Have some questions?

Without professional guidance these questions can be scary. Professional guidance usually costs money and has biased opinions. We want to help by offering a free consultation to get you on your way to something that fits your needs and expectations.
What is PPC and why should you consider it for your business?
Pay per click (PPC) is an advertising strategy that businesses use to place their content at the top of the search results pages for certain keywords. Usually, these are high-volume keywords that a target audience is searching for. Each time someone clicks that PPC ad, the company pays Google for the click.

PPC cost per click (CPC) is based on how difficult it is to rank for a given keyword. The more competition there is to rank for that keyword, the higher the CPC. Getting this right and not blowing your budget on paid search is somewhat of a science, and it happens to be our specialty.
Can my competitors target my branded keywords with PPC?
Yes, this is a common tactic. Savvy competitors will not only bid for their own branded keywords, but will pay to rank for the branded keywords of their competitors. That means that potential and existing customers looking for you on Google will first see an ad from your competitor.

While this is perfectly legal—albeit a bit of a grey area—there are many ways to overcome this tactic. Our Google Adwords services can help!
Pay per click (PPC) vs. SEO—what’s the difference?
Whereas companies can use PPC to pay for search traffic to their website, SEO is a different game entirely. SEO means structuring, writing, and optimizing pages to improve organic search traffic. For all intents and purposes, this means pleasing the Google algorithm.

However, both SEO and PPC comprise the principal parts of a broader search engine marketing (SEM) strategy which any company that wants to compete on the digital landscape should consider.
Is the quality of PPC traffic worth the investment?
Again, our goal is to drive valuable clicks and qualified leads to your website without getting too spendy. One of the ways we do so is to exclude negative keywords from your campaigns—keywords that are likely to attract unqualified clicks and traffic to your website that have little chance of converting but drive up your PPC costs.

Done right, PPC can deliver faster results than SEO, which is a much longer (but still very necessary) play. And PPC offers a distinct opportunity to directly engage prospects where they are—Google—with conversion-optimized ad copy that speaks to their pain points.
Why do people click PPC ads?
Well, the short answer is that most laypeople who are searching Google don’t know the difference between a PPC ad—which will always appear in “position zero”—and regular old search results. They’re quite similar! And our PPC experts know how to craft eye-catching messaging for these ads that drives qualified clicks by speaking to your target audience’s needs. Because it’s strong messaging that drives clicks at the end of the day, not ignorance. Your customers have problems that only you can solve!

Our latest projects

We’ve been lucky enough to work with some great clients. Here is a sample of what we’ve created for them.

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