Email & SMS Marketing

Send messages that get opened, not deleted.

Creative That Sells
When our eyes aren’t entertained, our mind goes to sleep. We are visual beings who seek constant entertainment, and we reward our entertainers. When it comes to e-commerce, creative is one of the keys to success.

Read some amazing case studies.

We help empower all touchpoints across your brand, helping you connect with your customers and audience in authentic and transformative ways.
Email & SMS Marketing for
Active Body Chiro-Care
Email & SMS Marketing for

Our criteria for an exceptional Marketing

Tight-knit team
Our marketing team work side by side. This has a major impact on building a profitable social media marketing.
We watch the clock
Collaboration should benefit both sides and you can trust that we stick to deadlines.
Problem solving
Sometimes a specialized challenge comes up. Should you look for more experts? No. Our team will find an elegant solution that works for you.
Contemporary approach
The tools and technologies used to create leads and conversions really count. We always stay on the cutting edge with the latest trends.

We promise to deliver

✓ Creating personalized content
With email marketing, our team can customize your campaigns and create targeted content.
✓ Improving your sales
While email marketing is clearly an excellent marketing tool, M&V can improve your sales as well.

Email marketing campaigns can feature products or services, encourage customers to purchase after abandoning their cart, or deliver special offers to your customers.
✓ Generating traffic to your site
With email marketing campaigns, you’ll send traffic to your site and improve your SEO. Plus, you’ll keep your audience engaged with your brand and your site.
✓ Reaching the right people at the right time
To have a successful marketing campaign, you have to reach the right customers at the right time. Yes, I’m reiterating this point because it’s that important.

With email marketing, it’s that much easier to reach people because they always check their email. They can check it at any time, on multiple devices, which can improve the success of any marketing campaign.
✓ Increasing leads
In the same vein as improving sales, M&V can also increase your leads with email marketing. In fact, with the inbound method, email marketing is used to nurture leads and improve conversions.
✓ Expert Team
We have a team of experts who can help you with everything from developing a social media strategy to creating content that will engage your audience.


We leverage key technology partners to work faster, more efficiently, and optimize performance outside of the restrictions of each native platform. We are able to see what is and is not working, and make changes quickly to drive results.

Have some questions?

Without professional guidance these questions can be scary. Professional guidance usually costs money and has biased opinions. We want to help by offering a free consultation to get you on your way to something that fits your needs and expectations.
Should I buy an email list?
No, never! But if you need the “why”, let me tell you. People on a purchased list didn’t choose to hear from you or your company. The goal of your marketing efforts should be to find the right prospects and customers. If you buy a list, you are taking that decision away from your prospects. Suddenly, they receive this message from you (or their spam folder, most likely), but have no idea what it’s about, who you are, how you got their information, and now you’re on their bad side.
How can I grow my email subscribers' list?

The success of your email marketing efforts will only be successful if you start with the right list. Your email marketing list should consist of past, current, and prospective customers. Your efforts should be focused on reaching an engaged audience that is interested in what your organization has to offer. If you’re pushing information out to people who aren’t interested, you are wasting your time and building a bad email marketing reputation.

What type of content works best?

With all of the awesome capabilities we have with videos, images, and templates for email marketing, deciding what to include in your message is a challenge. The key here is not to go overboard.

What’s the best time and day to send emails?
Unfortunately, there isn’t an end-all, be-all answer for that question. It varies depending on your email list and recipient preferences. To figure out what works best for your readers, our team try different days and times and analyze the results.
What is a/b testing?
A/B testing is a great technique for uncovering the best email marketing tactics and timing for your specific audience. Our team test everything in your email from template to subject line to headline.

Our latest projects

We’ve been lucky enough to work with some great clients. Here is a sample of what we’ve created for them.

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